Tremayne Curtis
Thursday 26 April 2012
Building Self Esteem
Building self esteem is something that, if
done successfully, can change your life.
Being able to accept yourself, to have
confidence in yourself, and to know that you
are good enough can take you a lot further
in life compared to thinking that you're
worthless and that no one likes you or
accepts you. In this article, I will talk about
where having low self-esteem comes from
and what you can do to help build it back
If you want to build self esteem, the first
thing you need to understand is how it got
so low in the first place. Understand that
much of how you see yourself was formed
from a very young age. For most people,
having low self esteem has to do with their
parents. To be more exact, it had to do with
your misinterpretation of what you
experienced or what you were told as a
One of the most common beliefs that people
with low self esteem have is the belief that
they are not good enough. No matter how
hard they try or how well they do, they will
feel like it just wasn't enough. This is most
likely caused by having parents who said
things that made you believe you weren't
good enough. They may have
communicated this verbally or through their
body language. Either way, the message you
received was that you were not good
It doesn't stop in your childhood though.
Because you developed this false belief, you
went through life looking at the world with
this false perception of yourself. It's like
walking around with a pair shades with
yellow lenses. Everything you see, hear, or
experience is perceived through those
yellow lenses. In other words, the reality that
you have experienced has been tainted by
the beliefs that were instilled in you at a
young age. Someone can compliment you
on a job well done but through your eyes,
you're still not worthy and may even believe
that person is being insincere even though
they are not.
Understand that reality and what you
perceive to be reality can be two very
different things. Building your self esteem
will be a lot easier when you realize this.
What you experienced as a child that led to
you having self esteem issues, has been
misinterpreted. What do I mean? Well, if
your parents told you that you are not good
enough, does that really mean that you are
not good enough?
Think back to when you were young and try
to remember an incident where your
parents or some other authority figure told
you something negative like you'll never
amount to anything. Notice how that feels.
Now think back on that incident or incidents
again but only this time, see it as a third
person watching the event take place.
If you could talk to that child version of you,
what would you say? Is it possible that your
parents just said those things because they
thought it would motivate you to do more?
Is it possible that their opinions about you
as a child have nothing to do with you as an
adult? Do you think your parents have
special powers that enable them to predict a
person's future? Do you believe that people
can change?
What do these questions have to do with
building self esteem and confidence? If you
can understand that it's possible that you
may have misinterpreted what your parents
said or at least decipher their true intentions
incorrectly, then you will realize that you
have been walking around with a false
sense of low self esteem all of these years.
When you don't think highly of yourself,
when you believe that you aren't good
enough or important enough, your mind
will search for evidence to make it true.
On the other hand, if you realized that your
are good enough, that you misheard your
parents or interpreted their intentions
incorrectly, you can start to destroy your low
sense of self esteem by using logic and
questioning whether or not what you
believed to be true all of these years is
actually wrong.
There are tons of ways to build self esteem
but one of the most powerful ways is what I
just described. It is to simply recognize the
fact that you have been looking at the world
through a lens that only focused on things
that reinforced your false belief that you
aren't good enough. After all, your mind
doesn't want to make you a liar. If you
believe you are worthless, your mind will
prove that you are by warping reality to
make you see things that will back that
belief up.
If you are unfamiliar with how beliefs and
perception works, that's okay. The good
news is that the reverse is true as well. If
you believe that you are good enough, that
you are a likeable person, that you are
meant to do great things in life, your mind
will create a new lens and focus on things
that will back up that belief. There is no
"reality". Reality is what your mind perceives
it to be.
So to summarize this topic of building self
esteem, realize that the cause of your low
self esteem started when you were a child,
before you knew how to use logic to
determine what was true and what was
false. This is why there is a lot of building
self esteem in children programs. That's
where it all starts.
Realize that all of the so called "evidence"
that you have seen up until this point of
your life that "proves" you aren't good
enough or people don't like you or you're
not important was a distortion of reality
caused by your belief that you are worthless.
Now that you know better, use your logic
and common sense and go back into your
childhood memories, to those times when
you were told that you were a piece of crap,
and challenge those statements. If parents
can predict the future based on the past,
they would all be filthy rich by investing in
the stock market.
You are much more than who you think you
are. Besides, now that you know you have
been wrong in thinking that you aren't
good enough, you can begin to take charge
of your life. Building self esteem comes
down to understanding that you can control
your beliefs. The belief in who you are and
what you are capable of achieving in life is
up to you to decide, not your parents. Now
that you know this, make sure you say the
right things to your kids if you have any. It
will have a major affect on their life.
The Vision Board
A vision board is basically a platform where
you put pictures of your goals and dreams
on it. It can be an actual cardboard where
you place pictures and cutouts all over it, a
collage, or simply a picture on your desktop.
The purpose of having these boards is to
help you attract what you want into your life
by making it clear to your subconscious
exactly what it is you want. This article will
give you some pointers on how best to use
these types of boards and what is possible
when you use one.
The idea of having vision boards has been
around for some time but they started to
get a lot more popular due to the success of
The Secret, a movie that talks about the law
of attraction. The basic premise of how and
why this works it that when you see in your
mind what you want, things will start to
happen to bring the images that you have
created into reality. This may seem like a
bunch of nonsense to many people, which
isn't surprising. How can putting pictures of
what you want on a board make them come
Well, you have to understand that your goals
won't just come true because you stick
pictures of them on a vision board. They
come true because when you make a vision
board and put it where you see it every day,
your mind will be focused on your goals a
lot more often then normal. When you
constantly think about your goals, you will
tend to do more towards obtaining those
goals. Not only that, your mind will start to
notice things around you that will help you
reach those goals that you may have not
notice if your mind hadn't been focused on
your goals.
Creating a vision board can be a pretty fun
project. What you put on the board is really
up to you. The point is to find pictures that
will help produce a positive feeling inside of
you every time you look at it. It's like
visualizing your goals only with a board; you
will have physical pictures to look at. You
can look through magazines for pictures or
even print out pictures from the internet.
You can search for the secret vision board
examples if you want to have an idea what
they look like. There's no wrong way to do
this. As long as looking at the board will
remind you of your goals and give you some
sort of emotion, then it's good enough.
I have my own vision board that I have
made. Well, it's not really on a board though.
I made it on my computer. I basically just
found a bunch of pictures that represented
the goals I have in different areas of my life
such as physical, relationship, and financial. I
have it on my desktop so everyday when I
turn my computer on, I see it.
You may be wondering if this actually
works. Well, I can tell you from experience
that it does. Will miracles happen? Probably
not. However, if you constantly have your
goals and dreams on your mind, you will
have a far greater chance of making them a
reality. I think this is why having a vision
board is so effective. Whether creating one
of these things will attract what you want
into your life or not, they are quick and fun
to make so why not give it a try? Who
knows, it can change your life. I have several
things on mine and one of them came true
about 3 months after I created my vision
board. Another came true 15 months after
that. I'll have to wait and see if the other
ones materialize. I'll keep you updated.
The 7 P's of Goal Setting
Guest Post by Charles Chua
When you are inspired by the generosity of
philanthropists, you aspire to be one of
them. However, you have to be rich. In order
to be rich you need to do something to
bring you the wealth. What you need is a
goal to turn your dream into reality. Here are
the 7 P’s in goal setting:
1. Passionate: Are you fervently interested in
what you intend to do. Not only that, are you
able to do it easily and better than other
people? Your goal is your inspiration and
2. Positive mindset: A positive mental
attitude is essential to realize your
objectives. You will look at things on the
bright side and work diligently towards
your goals.
3. Practical: Is it achievable? Is it useful to
yourself and others? Your goals should be
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
time-bound. When you have many goals, set
priority for each goal and work accordingly
so that you are not overwhelmed.
4. Put in writing: Written goals are powerful
tool. It is precise, clear and written in
positive terms. It spells out in great details
the tasks for each stage and the completion
dates. You will be kept posted to do your
daily tasks because you notice it every day.
5. Plan: You set yearly, monthly, weekly and
daily tasks. Your plan is your road map. You
follow accordingly to get what you want in
6. Pay the price: A goal is not a goal when
you can get something easily. It involves
time and tremendous effort. It takes blood,
sweat and tears to reach your goal.
7. Perseverance: Do not be disheartened by
setbacks along the way. Look at failures and
problems as valuable lessons to learn. There
is no overnight success. It can take many
years to achieve your goals.
Goals give you meaning in life. They provide
direction and measure your success. You
know what you are looking for and every
day you strive to reach your objectives.
About Author
As a husband and a father of two I write
about parenting, work, home life, happiness,
relationships, success, healthy lifestyle, self
development and personal finance at...
All About Living With Life.
I hope my articles can uplift your mood and
motivate you to improve your life for the
Charles Chua C K
Achieve Your Goals
Why should you do everything in your
power to achieve your goals? Why should
you go through the trouble of disciplining
yourself to take consistent action each and
every day towards your goals? Why should
you have to deal with setbacks and
challenges that will bring you to your knees?
Why do go through any of these things just
to accomplish your goals? One reason is
because if you don't, you will feel regret. The
second reason is because you will miss your
chance to change other people's lives.
When people get to the end of their lives,
they will even feel fulfilled or full of regret. If
there is something you have always wanted
to do, do it. Even if there a possibility that
you may fail, do it. Realize that most of the
things we regret in life will come failing to
take action, not taking action. In other
words, we will have more regrets over the
things that we didn't do than the things that
we did do.
So when you achieve your goals, how does
that affect other people's lives? Well, if you
think about it, we are all motivated by one of
two things. The first is desperation. When
we become desperate, when our backs are
against the wall, when there is no other
choice, we will spring into action. There are
hundreds of stories of people who went
from being sick of being broke and living in
poverty to becoming successful. The second
reason people are motivated is inspiration.
When you see someone achieve massive
success, you start to believe you can to. The
problem is that many people see successful
people as being lucky. Now if you achieve
your goal, you will be able to inspire the
people around you to believe in themselves
because they won't see you as just being
lucky. Whether you are trying to achieve
your financial goals, fitness goals or any
other kind of goal, just realize that your
success or failure in achieving that goal
doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone
around you.
Learning how to achieve your goals and
more importantly, putting what you learn
into action, will help inspire others to
pursue their own goals with the same
determination that you had in achieving
your goals. No one said living your dreams
was easy, it's not. That is why so many
people end up quitting. There are far too
many stories of failure and not enough
stories of success. No matter how big or
small your goal is, do everything you can to
accomplish it. Your accomplishment can
possibly inspire someone to become more
than they thought they could become.
Life Motivation
A lack of life motivation can come down to
not knowing what you want in life. It can
also be that you don't really want anything
out of life. However, this is rarely the real
reason for not having motivation in life. It's
hard to find out what you want for your life
if you are currently in a wrong mindset. Let's
say you're stressed out. Would it be a good
time to ask you to put together a business
plan? Probably not. So in order to find that
motivation in your life to do things, you will
first need to get yourself in the right state of
mind. Keep in mind that if you have severe
depression, then you will want to seek
professional help.
The first thing you will need to do is to
understand why you feel the way you feel.
There are basically three factors that will
determine how you feel at any given
moment. The first thing is your physiology. If
you are walking around like you're
depressed, you're going to feel depressed.
Your body posture can have a huge effect in
the way you feel. The next thing is your
focus. If you focus on how life sucks, it'll be
hard to find any motivation to do anything
with your life. The third thing is your
standards. If you have a standard that says,
"It's okay to be mediocre in life", then that is
what you will experience.
So how does knowing these things have to
do with finding motivation in life? Well, as I
mentioned earlier, the reason why you have
a lack of motivation in life is because you
don’t know what it is that you want. The
reason why you don't know what you want
is probably because you are in the state of,
"I don't care". In order to give your life some
meaning and give yourself some life
motivation, you will need to have a purpose.
In order to do this, you will first need to get
out of your lousy mentality.
What you will want to do is to force yourself
to get excited by changing your body
movements. If you are currently moving
slowly, have a slouched back, your head
down, and are breathing shallow, change
that by walking fasters, straightening you
back, put your head up, and breath more
fully. This will create a change in your
physical chemistry and will start to instantly
make you feel better.
The next thing you will want to do is to
focus on the positive things. You can do this
by asking yourself the right questions. So
instead of, "Why does my life suck", you will
want to ask, "What is good in my life right
now? What can I be excited about my life
right now if I really wanted to?" By asking
empowering questions, your mind will start
to focus on empowering things.
The last step to have more motivation for life
is to change your standards. Up until now,
you probably have pretty low standards for
yourself. You don't really expect much out of
your life and therefore have no motivation
in life. The best way to get out of this rut is
to start surrounding yourself with people
who are full of life motivation. Since you
become who you spend most of your time
with, by hanging out with people who are
alive, people who have a purpose and are
going for their dreams and goals, you will
start to pick up their way of thinking as well.
All of these things can change your life. If
you want more information on the above
steps, you can read books on Neuro
Linguistic Programming or NLP for short.
You will learn different skills to help you
instantly change the way you feel. It will help
give you more life motivation so you can
make the best out of this life.
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